Monday, August 06, 2012

IMU Leader Killed

U.S. drones have killed another high-profile terrorist leader:
"A website associated with the Al-Qaeda-linked Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) announced on August 4 that its leader Osman Adil was killed in a drone attack in Pakistan.
"According to the site, Adil's deputy, Osman Ghazi, had succeeded him as the new leader of the group."
The IMU was founded by Tahir Yuldashev in the 1990's, and decimated in 2001 when its fighters went to support the Taliban in Afghanistan.  It was able to reconstitute itself, however, when the United States shifted its focus to Iraq.  Yuldashev, who became in influential figure in the broader al-Qaeda network, was killed in a drone attack in 2009, at about the same time as Pakistani Taliban leader Beitullah Mehsud.  I think the name of the leader who was just killed should be Abu Osman Adil.

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