Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Bush's Second Term

For a host of reasons, I have misgivings about what's in store for us during the next four years. However, on the key issues which I generally address on this blog, I think a lot will depend on the make-up of President Bush's national security team, assuming there are at least some changes. If people like Richard Lugar come on board and have influence, we could still see much of what I hoped to get out of a Kerry administration on terrorism issues. The worst part of this is the implicit ratification of pre-emptive war, which could lead us down a path I'd rather not trod. All the other differences are mainly matters of degree on social and economic policies through which the country will survive and prosper. Finally, there is no sweeping conservative tide in the United States. This was a narrow win, as were most of the Senate contests. Even with Bush's coattails, the Republicans got only narrow wins for people like Vitter and Martinez. So keep repeating: There is no sweeping conservative tide in the United States. The Republicans are slightly better at finding ways to win close races, and have done it now for two election cycles. If we convert 2% of the electorate who voted this year, the Democrats will come roaring back.


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