Sunday, February 15, 2004

Robert Dick-Read

Some time ago, I wrote about Robert Dick-Read's theories about the Indonesian role in early African civilization based on this Guardian article. I just received an e-mail from Mr. Dick-Read claiming the article exaggerated his theories, which is quite likely. With his permission, here are his comments:

"Inaccuracies in Carroll piece. Well ... journalese!
"1st Para ...over dramatised, vastly over-simplified.
"2nd para 'filling their vessels with gold and silver' creates wholly wrong im pression ... and who says 'silver'? Not I.
"3rd para 'Gave Africa secrets of iron...' this is a possibility in the east and south - even in the west. NOT a certainty. etc. etc. ETC.

"'Robert Soper disagrees'. Robert went to Nigeria when I went there to set up a museum. He has recently published a book on Nyanga (Zimbabwe). Unfortunately he has never studied Madagascar and is thus unaware of the deep and ancient linkages between the island and central Africa. His lack of knowledge in this field has led him into some horrible traps. By his own admission, he does not know much about the East Coast archaeology which he has never studied critically. BUT Robert is a 'paid professional', so even though he has never looked at my specialist subject, he is the one who people naturally believe!! That is the way of the world!

"Incidentally I am absoluitely not a 'racist', nor is my (as yet unpublished) book ... I have lived most of my life among people of other race, and have huge respect. I have a son - Aragorn by name - who is an artist in the Caribbean, and another who has a surfing magazine that sells well in the States - 'The Surfers Path.'"

I still haven't read the book, and so can't comment myself. There is, however, more discussion brewing here for those interested.


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