Wednesday, December 31, 2003

More Return of the King

I just saw Return of the King again. It seems obvious just how much was cut from the theatrical release. The Wytch-King's pledge to break Gandalf obviously remains unfulfilled without their confrontation, and Theoden's sudden flip-flop on riding to Gondor also probably has an intermediate step to it somewhere. My brother also thought there should have been a scene beefing up Sauron's reasons for taking the bait when the armies ride to the Black Gate, probably involving the palantir, though neither of us had read the books recently enough to see what happens there. Still, I hope I get to see it at least once more, probably when it comes to the budget theater in Madison. With most movies it doesn't matter what size screen you see it on, but with Lord of the Rings it definitely does, and once it finally leaves the theaters it's never coming back.


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