Friday, June 01, 2007

English Khutbas

I'm actually surprised this hadn't been done previously:
"A Qatari mosque is starting to deliver sermons in English from today to cater to the needs of non-Arab worshippers, sources at the mosque said.

"Sources at the Qatar Islamic Cultural Centre, also known as Fanar and located in the centre of the capital Doha, said yesterday it would give Friday sermons in English from its mosque.

"'We will deliver sermons in English starting from Friday. An English-speaking imam will give the sermon,' an official at the Centre, who preferred not to be named, told Gulf News.

"'Women and children will also be welcomed and will be separated from men. Non-Muslims can also come and listen to the sermon.'"

I express surprise because this sounds like a place that's devoted to outreach, though with a higher profile than comparable institutions I've seen in Bahrain and the UAE.



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