Sunday, November 28, 2004

Thanksgiving Entertainment

Tonight I went with my fraternal organism to see National Treasure. The other movie we considered was Alexander, and the many common plot elements with Umberto Eco's Foucault's Pendulum, which I'm currently reading, made me wonder if this is what going to see a play was like in ancient Greece. Let us see another interpretation of the Trojan War! My grandfather was a 33rd Degree mason, and he was apparently hiding quite a lot. However, no one has noticed that the Templars' plan is entering its final phase before our very eyes in the spread of the Cliopatriarchs.

I do recommend seeing National Treasure, though at present my only verdict on Foucault's Pendulum is that 666 years after 1344 is 2010, not 2000, something at least one character should have picked up on by now.


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