Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Sadriyun Uprising, Day 4

Things in Iraq are getting worse. The headline is the attack on a Falluja mosque in response to enemy fire, but buried in the article you learn that Sadr's forces have driven the coalition out of Kut and that fighting has broken out in the ethnically diverse northern city of Kirkuk. I have seen no information on who the coalition was fighting in the north, which would be an important piece of information. There is, however, a Shi'ite minority in that region, as well as Sunni Arabs who were moved in as part of Saddam's Arabization program and fear losses if the Kurds come to exercise control.

UPDATE: For more on Kirkuk, see Matthew Yglesias on the Kurds' "Kirkuk is our Jerusalem."

UPDATE: According to the New York Times, the violence near Kirkuk came when the U.S. fired on demonstrators protesting our attacks in Falluja. We have also lost control of Kufa, while the Bulgarians are asking for reinforcements in Karbala.


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