Monday, April 19, 2004

Radio Sawa in Morocco

One month from today I catch a plane for Morocco (well, London first) where apparently Radio Sawa is the largest broadcaster. I'll be interested to see how it is received.

(I also promise that when I get back you can see a picture or two from here, where I have a reservation before catching the ferry across the strait.)

UPDATE: Last week when my advisor was back from Israel on a break, I asked him for ideas about what medieval chronicles I should take with me to Fez to study. He told me to get al-Baladhuri, adding that it hasn't been fully published anywhere and is available mainly in manuscript form in Middle Eastern archives.

Today I went to start getting materials together, and have noticed a problem: al-Baladhuri is available mainly in manuscript form in Middle Eastern archives. Madison, alas, is not in the Middle East. Perhaps Yaqut might be a better start.

UPDATE: Actually, this reminds me I also need to read Ibn Khaldun. And I am going to Fez after all.


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