Tuesday, March 02, 2004


Want to know what's been going on in Turkmenistan lately? Now you can check out The Blogmenbashi. Keep in mind that it is not Onion reporting. Turkmenbashi really does this stuff. Here's a sample:

"Speaking on behalf of Machtumkul - the Organization of Youth, the heir to the defunct Komsomol (the youth training wing of the communist party)- Jennetgul Pir Mohammedova has published an article in "Neutral Turkmenistan", the only legal newspaper in the country. In it she demonstrates that Niyazov, who was already calling himself Turkmenbashi - the Ruler of All the Turkmens- when he was a communist satrap, deserves to be recognized as a new prophet. "We ought to do this as a mark of respect for the great things he has done for the country, his far-sighted national policy and his incalculable role in educating its youth", wrote Jennetgul Pir Mohammedova."

Via Ideofact.


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