Sunday, December 21, 2003

Winter Solstice

I've always been intrigued by the Winter Solstice, which occurs this year at 2:04 a.m. New York time on December 22. In cultures all around the world, it has been a day which marks renewal, as days start to become longer and we head along the road towards spring. Thus, even amidst the depths of winter, people have found hope for the rebirth of all life. Many customs associated with winter holidays have Winter Solstice origins, some of which you can read about here. As Christmas tends to be a time when I ground myself in the things that are most important to me in life, I find the concepts of renewal inherent in the day a good metaphor to which people of all faiths can relate. Thus, may you all find sustenance and hope on the darkest of nights and go forward into the new year filled with the wonder of life.

Here is a collection of Solstice links you might find interesting.


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