Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Al-Qaeda Today

While glancing through Yahoo Full Coverage for a comprehensive picture of the War on Terror, I found this article in which various experts analyze the current state of al-Qaeda. It's pretty close to what I've been saying here. Some key grafts:

"Some see it as an international terror 'university' or consultancy; others liken it to a franchising operation, endorsing approved operations around the world with the cachet of its feared global 'brand.'"...

"This meant local groups could tap into Qaeda's expertise to make contacts with like-minded networks and 'order up' logistical support, financial help and advice on how to prepare and transport explosives...

"Experts and intelligence chiefs see bin Laden still playing an important background role, but mainly as a symbol and preacher, periodically reinforcing the jihadist message with messages broadcast on Arabic television stations.

"Individual militant groups have autonomous power to implement that agenda through specific attacks, with no need for specific central orders on what targets to hit."


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